Desperately seeking Grandma!
GRANDMA & GRANDAD NEEDED urgently by two adorable kids. Successful applicants need lots of time. ...
“LITTLE BOYS BRING YOU JUST TO THE BRINK of insanity before gently easing you off the ledge with a sweet kiss and laughter from a perfectly timed fart.” Ah yes, they’re sweet … but just when mothers of young sons might be tempted to give themselves a pat on the back, something changes.
All the progress your boy has made in life thus far – becoming articulate, sensitive, aware of basic hygiene practices – seems to halt in its tracks (or even reverse), and your previously sweet son begins to mutter and grunt; he shows signs of reduced empathy; and he SMELLS! As any parent of boys knows, they reach a point in their development in which they resemble cavemen! WHAT TO DO???