- Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark. (Probably explains why he invented the light bulb!)
- Contrary to what you may think, your eyes don’t see, your tongue doesn’t taste and your ears don’t hear. Your brain does all those things. Your sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) just collect the data for your brain and transfer it over in milliseconds.
- Babies can breathe and swallow at the same time until they’re six months old.
- In 1696, King William III introduced a tax which required those living in houses with more than six windows to pay a levy. To avoid this, house owners would brick up all windows except six. As the bricked-up windows prevented rooms from receiving any sunshine, the tax was known as ‘daylight robbery’.
- A baby wildebeest can run with the herd at the age of five minutes – and is able to outrun a lion soon thereafter!
- Your body contains ten times more bacteria cells than your own cells, and you carry, on average, about 2kg of bacteria around in your body.
- According to a British study, men drive an extra 389 kilometres each year because they refuse to ask for directions.