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… and help Grapevine inject fun, hope & wholeness into homes all over the country.

Each quarter (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec) thousands of copies of Grapevine are delivered to letterboxes all over the country. But lots of families are still missing out – and, chances are, yours is one of them.


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Each quarter thousands of copies of Grapevine are delivered to letterboxes all over the country. But lots of families are still missing out – and, chances are, yours is one of them.

"The most caring, loving, sensitive, balanced article on MARRIAGE I’ve read in a long time!"

- Brian

"Your magazine should be given to every couple who gets married. I’m sure it would help them – and probably save a lot of divorces."

- Jeff

"My husband never reads this kind of thing, but Grapevine’s cover caught his eye. He sat down, devoured the whole thing, and then said to me, ‘That’s what we’re missing – I think we should get some counselling’ …"


"Your last edition was so positive and helpful and optimistic – a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel at a time when my life seemed so disappointing. I’m sure other people found it the same."


"Your latest edition on DEPRESSION really hit the spot, and helped me with some pressing needs in my personal life. I have never before felt my experience could be understood or appreciated by anyone else. Now I feel no longer alone with that lonely problem."


"I find it impossible to read most things that come through my letterbox – but I never miss Grapevine. You reach me because you are real. Thank you for your honesty and your guts to stick with it."


"Thanks for all the relationship help you offer in Grapevine. Now that I know I can change old patterns, I feel much stronger inside."
