My Dad – My Hero!
THE IMPORTANCE OF FATHERS is not a subject that gets commented on very often in our current politically-correct society – especially by Government and media voices. With increasing numbers of single-parent families, and the drive to declare that kids can be just as well off with only mum (or only dad) around, it’s refreshing to see a book take the bold step of speaking up for dads … declaring that their role (alongside mums) is vital for developing healthy and secure kids.
In his re-released book ‘Fathers Who Dare Win’, one of New Zealand’s best-known parenting gurus, Ian Grant, tackles the subject in a humorous yet practical way – encouraging dads to be their kid’s hero. So we decided to pay him a visit, and have a fatherly chat … about fathers.
Issue 3 2012

Riverside Romance

On my mind
Rest of issue

Going Places

Home Sweet Home

Gluten-Free Favourites


From where I sit