DOES THE INSIDE OF YOUR HOUSE look like an inorganic collection DUMPSITE? If burglars broke into your home, would they be likely to think someone else got there FIRST? When unexpected visitors drop by, do you draw the curtains and pretend no-one’s home so they don’t have to see the MESS??? Decluttering is the new ‘in’ thing when it comes to home-decorating. Many people find that they’re drowning in STUFF – too many papers, too many toys, too many knick-knacks … lurking in corners, cupboards and drawers … spilling onto counters, coffee-tables and floors … creating havoc everywhere they look. And their overbooked schedules make it impossible to fit in the things that really matter.
Ruth Soukup managed to dig herself out of her own ‘overstuffed’ house and calendar. And she’s shared her decluttering journey in a new book: ‘Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind & Soul’. We caught up with her and asked how we can reduce the clutter in OUR homes – and OUR lives.
Issue 3 2016

Adventure racing for Dummies

Home Sweet Home
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