How to Hug a Hedgehog

Connecting with Teens
by Tracy Carter

IS THERE A HEDGEHOG IN YOUR HOUSE? Do you have someone at home who tends to be nocturnal? … who emerges occasionally and reluctantly from a darkened habitat? … and whose prickles make him sometimes unapproachable? In short, do you have a teenager? 

If so, you may need help navigating past his defenses, coaxing him into the light, and tenderly approaching his (or her!) sensitive side.

In How to Hug a Hedgehog – 12 Keys for Connecting with Teens, co-author Brad Wilcox offers some great advice for making contact with that loveable-yet-mysterious creature in your home. We had a chat with Brad to get some tips first-hand on how to best approach the challenge of creating and nurturing a relationship with your resident teenager.

Issue 4 2015


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