We revisit childhood with our ‘SKOOL DAZE’ edition, tackling 29 questions parents wish they could ask … then issue a warning in the next mag: ‘LOOK OUT: THE MOTHER-IN-LAW’S COMING!’
An out-of-the-blue letter arrives from Roel – a guy on death-row (no kidding) in a Zambian prison (that’s right, Zambia), who was loaned a copy of Grapevine by a fellow inmate. How did that mag end up in Zambia? Your guess is as good as ours. But Roel was rapt: “I read it from cover to cover, and really enjoyed the articles and one-liners. Anything for a laugh – and there was plenty of laughs in Grapevine. I would like to beg for only one thing: can we please receive more copies of your great magazine?”
We’re now reaching over 500,000 homes each year and making slow-but-steady progress. But our long-term goal remains unchanged: to grow our team of Sponsors until (ultimately) every Kiwi home is getting the message that Grapevine has faithfully shared, year after year: “YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND!”
More to come …!