We keep talking to Kiwis ‘YOU DON’T TALK TO ME ANYMORE (THE LOST ART OF CONVERSATION)’ … ‘DADS CAN DO ANYTHING!’ … ‘GRANDMA’S SECRETS’ … ‘DRUGS: THE CANNABIS CONNECTION’. And more good news: regular mag deliveries begin at last in Christchurch and Wellington – hooray!
But our celebrations are spoiled by a major computer crash – a total hard-disk failure (say the techno-freaks) – and our obsolete equipment is condemned: Beyond Repair!
Not to be outdone, the Editor follows that up with a car crash: “My smart black Honda – nicest car I’ve ever had – got hit from behind last week (by an out-of-control lady in an out-of-control Mercedes) and has had to be written off!”
And we’d hoped that this might be a good year!