Like many 15-year-old girls, Regina Mayer really wanted a horse, but her parents said no, even though they live on a farm in Laufen, Germany. So the girl has been training a substitute: a cow.
“She thinks she’s a horse,” Regina says, and sure enough, she rides the bovine frequently. ‘Luna’ (the cow’s name) even negotiates small jumps. It took about six months of careful training before Regina tried to get on the heifer for a ride, but now Luna even understands commands like “gallop” and “stand”.
Of course, the rider admits, “When she wants to do something she does it – but when she doesn’t, she doesn’t.”
The girl’s parents may soon relent and let her get a horse, but Luna, now two, will always be special. “She’ll stay my darling,” Regina says.
(Right up until the minute they eat her …)

A hooded robber burst into a Texas bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash. As he fled out the door, a brave customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off, revealing the robber’s face.
The robber turned and shot the customer without a moment’s hesitation. He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers staring at him. Taking aim, the robber shot him, too.
Everyone else, by now very scared, had their eyes fixed on the floor. The robber snarled, “Well? Did anyone else see my face?”
There was a long moment of silence, with everyone afraid to speak. Then, one old cowboy, still keeping his head down, raised his hand cautiously and said, “My wife got a pretty good look at you …”