- 28,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea in 1992, and are still being found today.
- At birth, a Dalmatian puppy is always pure white.
- Every year, millions of trees grow thanks to squirrels forgetting where they buried their nuts.
- No matter how hard they try, elephants cannot jump.
- Consuming chocolate was once considered a sin during the 16th and 17th centuries.
- The longest word used by Shakespeare in any of his works is “honorificabilitudinitatibus”, found in Love’s Labours Lost. What does it mean? Well, you’d better ask William – no one else knows!
- Nipples, on most people, are in line with their ears.
- There’s a company that turns dead bodies into ocean monuments. The company’s called Eternal Reefs.
- Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you, but it just takes 75-100 years to fully work.
- The Beatles used the word ‘love’ 613 times in their songs.
- It takes about one minute for a red blood cell to circle your whole body.
- 38% of the people who read this list will find a mirror and check if their nipples really do line up with their ears.