- A GOLDFISH HAS A MEMORY SPAN OF THREE SECONDS. (We know some people like that …)
- Ostrich racing is still a popular sport in South Africa. (Although it’s not too popular with ostriches!)
- The word ‘swims’ upside down is still ‘swims’.
- Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at 167 calories per hundred grams.
- Intentionally losing a game of paper-scissors-rock is just as hard as trying to win.
- “Toki doki kuruma be kayotte imasu” means “Sometimes I commute by car” in Japanese. (Please remember this …)
- The average person will spend six months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green.
- The tulip originated in Turkey, not Holland.
- Queen Cleopatra wasn’t actually Egyptian. Really! Historians have traced the famous ruler’s lineage to Alexander the Great’s Macedonian general Ptolemy. So while she was an Egyptian queen, she was actually Greek.
- 17% of people who read this list will intentionally try to lose a game of paper-scissors-rock – to see if losing is easier than winning.