Now in his golden years, a golfer had a lifelong ambition to play one hole at Pebble Beach, California, just like the pros do. The pros drive the ball out over the water onto the green, which sits on a spit of land that juts out off the coast.
It was something he had tried hundreds of times without success. His ball always fell short, landing in the ocean. Because of this, he never used a new ball on this particular hole. Instead, he always picked out one with a cut or a nick.
Recently he went to Pebble Beach to try again. When he came to the fateful hole, he teed up an old cut ball and said a silent prayer.
Before he hit it, however, a powerful voice from above said, “WAIT … REPLACE THAT OLD BALL WITH A BRAND-NEW BALL”
He complied, with some slight misgiving, despite the fact that the Lord seemed to be implying that He was going to let him finally achieve his lifelong ambition.
As he stepped up to the tee once more, the voice came down again: “WAIT … STEP BACK … TAKE A PRACTICE SWING.”
So he stepped back and took a practice swing.
The voice boomed out again, “TAKE ANOTHER PRACTICE SWING.”
He did. Silence followed.
Then the voice spoke out again: “PUT BACK THE OLD BALL.”

A science teacher conducted an experiment to show his students the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. He took four jam jars. In jar one, he put cigarette smoke. In jar two, alcohol. In jar three, junk food, and in jar four, good clean dirt. He then put an earthworm into each jar, sealed them and put them in a cupboard.
At the end of a week, he took the jars out and showed them to the students, saying.“Look, the worm in the cigarette smoke is dead, the worm in the alcohol is dead, and the worm in the junk food is dead. However, the worm in the dirt is alive and well. What do we learn from this.”
One young student put up his hand and said, “If we smoke, drink alcohol and eat junk food, we won’t get worms.”